Hello there!

Here at GoTeachYourself.com, I strive to bring you great information and resources to help you learn more every day. Occasionally, I will link to a product or service that I think you could benefit from.

I just want to be up front with you that I might receive a small commission if you click on that link and purchase something. If you do, thank you! Every little bit helps keep the lights on around here. But don’t worry, it doesn’t cost you any extra!

Most of the time, you’ll see links to Amazon for a book I’m reading at the moment. Every now and then I’ll link to a service or product that I’ve either purchased myself, or had recommended to me by people I trust. Everything I recommend ultimately has you in mind. 

If you have any questions about how I use affiliate links on the site, send me a message! 

Thanks for sticking around.
